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Learn to Zoom

Learn to Zoom Learn to Zoom


The Video Producers Club is offering free weekly Zoom classes at 10 a.m. and a Zoom Party Social on Saturday at 5 p.m.

Classes are as follows:

•Monday, 10 a.m., intermediate Zoom class for Windows and Android users with Joe Osuna, host. For an invite to his class, email

•Monday, 2 p.m., Zoom class for iPad and Mac users with Fred Carpenter, host. For an invite to his class, email sail1942@gmail. com.

•Wednesday, 10 a.m., beginners Zoom class Windows and Android users with Joe Osuna, host. For an invite to his class, email

• Thursday, 10 a.m., beginner’s Zoom class for Windows and Android users and for beginning Video Producers with Joseph Valentinetti, host. For an invite to his clas, email

•Friday, 10 a.m., guest lecturer Bob Cohen in Friday Morning Tech Talk; learn more about technology each week. Email for an invite or visit the calendar at www.

• Saturdays, 5 p.m., Zoom Party Social, hour open to all residents, hosted by Joseph Valentinetti. For an invite to the party, email —Joe Osuna

Following COVID-19 guidelines, Hui O Hula's dancers and its band performed for LW residents with some on-the-green entertainment last week in Mutual 7. A segment by Video Producer Owen Hughes featuring this long-running club can be viewed on SBTV-3 on Frontier Fios Channel 37, TWC-Spectrum Channel 3 as well as online this month. See the SBTV Listing on page 13 for dates and times.

-Jojo Weingart, photo

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