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Redeemer Lutheran

By Lisa Rotchford


Out of abundance of caution, we regret to announce that our “Pick-up Communion” is unable to occur in July due to updated state and local closures due to the coronavirus.

Joining together in Communion and community is vital to all of our spirits, especially during times of trial. This pandemic has challenged all of us as we learn new ways of being, staying safe and taking care of ourselves and one another. The irony is that while we are called to stay home and stay safe, our spirits yearn to be with one another even more.

The safest way of truly letting our spirits be together is by prayer. Prayer, often seen as an act between God and God’s creation, is also the binding force of our religious communities. And in this time when so many things in our world as we know have been closed, prayer is the one element that is still “open.” It still works to bind us in community and bind us to the Lord who “knows and keeps our coming out and going in, from this time forth forever more.” (Psalm 121:8) So stay connected to the One Lord God who loves you, to your community that shares that eternal love, and prayerfully we will be with one another always.

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