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Keep that mask on—for now

Keep that mask on—for now Keep that mask on—for now

by Patty Marsters

Though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued new guidance on May 13 for those people who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, it’s important to note these guidelines do not supersede any local or state mandates.

According to the new guidelines, fully vaccinated people do not need to wear masks or practice social distancing indoors or outdoors, except under special circumstances. Such exceptions include while on public transportation, as well as in airports, hospitals, prisons and homeless shelters. However, people who are immune compromised should speak with their doctors before giving up their masks.

LW residents and staff must abide by community rules, which are in line with the Orange County Health Care Agency guidelines. This would also be true for local businesses.

In private gatherings or on private property, wearing a mask and social distancing is up to the property owner and participants.

Those folks who are considered fully vaccinated are at least two weeks out from receiving the second of a two-dose vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna) or from the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Gov. Gavin Newsom has indicated state mandates for masks may end on June 15.

Whether or not that comes to pass CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky stressed that unvaccinated people should continue to wear masks and practice social distancing, adding that they should get vaccinated as soon as possible.

“If things get worse, there is always a chance we may need to make changes to these recommendations,” Walensky said, “but we know that the more people are vaccinated, the less cases we will have and the less chance of a new spike or additional variant emerging.”

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