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Dance club says grateful goodbye to class leader

Dance club says grateful goodbye to class leader Dance club says grateful goodbye to class leader


The members of the Joyful Line Dance Club posed for a selfie with Jojo Weingart after her last session as a leader on May 5. The club expressed its gratitude for Weingart, who has been sharing dance moves weekly since January 2020 (Weingart will continue to teach hulas for Hui O Hula).

The club will continue to meet at Veterans Plaza every Wednesday from 2-3:30, except for the fourth Wednesday, when the class starts at 3 p.m. Guest instructors include Daisy Ramos, Albert Comia, Connie Peck, Chung Cha Lewis and Anna Derby.

The club formed in March 2014 as an opportunity to get the men and women of Leisure World out of their living rooms to learn line dances and socialize as a way to enhance healthy, happy, postretirement lives. Throughout the pandemic, the group has met outside, but it hopes to use the clubhouse facilities again soon.

All shareholders are welcome to join the fun. Participants are required to wear face masks, follow the rules of social distancing, and wear exercise shoes—no flip-flops or sandals. For more information, contact Derby at (562) 301-5339.

—Anna Derby

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