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Learn about the power of transformation

Learn about the power of transformation Learn about the power of transformation


Learn what tranformation is and why more humans do not change who they are to get better results for their lives at the next Sunshine Club meeting on Friday, May 14, at 10 a.m.

Business and life coach Bob Dabic will give a presentation about how LWers can practice a simple but powerful concept to motivate themselves to transform and have more success than they could on their own.

All shareholders are welcome to join this Zoom meeting at 089743?pwd=UGR3RlZRaUJmW mlSNE9KdTdNMUh3QT09; the meeting ID is 849 8208 9743, and the passcode is 508742.

Those who would like to get the Zoom link by email should text their name, Mutual number and email address to (562) 301-5339 no later than today, May 13, at 5 p.m. (text only, no phone calls or messages).

Dabic is a master chair (business/life coach) of Vistage Chief Executive and Key Executive Groups in the greater Orange County area. He is also a best practice chair, responsible for chairs and members in the Los Angeles area and a lead trainer of new and existing chairs. Dabic has been honored with the following for his Vistage chair performance: the Chair Excellence, Master Chair and STAR Awards for numerous years; the Robert Nourse Chair of the Year Award in 2006; the highest chairing performance achievement, the Don Cope Memorial Award in 2010; and for going above and beyond as a Vistage chair, the Hyndman Award in 2016.

Founded in 1957, Vistage is the world’s leading organization of Private Peer Advisory Boards for CEOs, executives and business owners, dedicated to improving the effectiveness and enhancing lives of its members and those they influence.

In addition, Dabic is CEO (Coaching Excellence Officer) of DabiCoaching, a multi-purpose coaching, training and consulting company. In this role, Dabic coaches clients and conducts numerous workshops with topics such as vision, mission and values creation; strategic planning; goal setting; communication; delegation; finance; and career development planning. Since 1999, he has worked with over 100 different organizations and over 1,000 senior executives.

Prior to Vistage and his coaching company, Dabic was a successful owner, president and CEO of several airport and aerospace equipment design and manufacturing companies over a 30-year period. Dabic was also the director of marketing for an alarm manufacturer and worked in a sales role with the Xerox Corporation right after graduating from California State University at Long Beach with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Business Administration/Marketing.

The Sunshine Club brings LW leaders to meetings to introduce their organizations to the group. It also invites specialists from outside Leisure World to share their experiences and ideas with club members.

For more information, contact Anna Derby at (562) 301-5339.

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