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OC Fair tickets go on sale May 1

Tickets for the 2021 OC Fair go on sale Saturday, May 1. Advancepurchase tickets are required for this year’s event, which will run July 16-Aug. 15. Admission for seniors aged 60 and up is $7; general admission is $12-$14, and tickets for youth aged 6-12 is $7. Sales are currently limited to California residents.

Themed “Time for Fun,” the fair will be limited to 45,000 visitors per day, with indoor capacity limits enforced. Officials have reduced the number of attractions and reconfigured locations to accommodate distancing guidelines. Some concerts are scheduled for the Pacific Amphitheatre and the Hangar, but there are no shows slated for the Action Sports Arena. Face coverings will be required, and hand-sanitizing stations have been added. For more information, visit

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