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Recap of GRF Board Activity, April 27

Approved Consent Agenda

MOVED and duly approved the Committee/Board meeting minutes for the month of March—the March 1 Recreation Committee Board meeting; the March 3 Physical Property Committee Board meeting; the March 11 Communications/IT Committee Board meeting; the March 12 Executive Committee Board meeting; the GRF Board of Directors meeting, dated March 23; the Special GRF Board of Directors meeting, dated April 5; the Special GRF Board of Directors meeting, dated April 13—as well as the GRF Board Report, dated April 27, and the acceptance of the Financial Statements, March, for Audit.

AB 3182 Ad Hoc Committee FINAL VOTE: Amend 70-1400-1, Use of GRF (Trust) Facilities: MOVED to amend 70-1400-1, Use of GRF (Trust) Facilities, as presented.

Consent Agenda: Communications/IT Committee MOVED to adopt 20-5585-3, Advertising Procedures; amend 20-5585-1, Advertising Policy; amend 20-5585-2, Advertising Policy—Fees; amend 20-28061, Community Publications; rescind 20-2806-2, Community Publication—Fees; rescind 20-2850-3, Advertising Commissions; rescind 20-2860-1, Establishing Advertising Rates; rescind 20-2861-1, Advertising for Estate and Patio Sales; rescind 20-2866-1, Bilingual Advertising; rescind 20-5581-1, Communications Department Advertising; and rescind 20-5583-3, Minibus Advertising. The consent calendar was adopted, as presented.

COVID-19 Ad hoc Committee Approve Reopening Table Tennis, Clubhouse 6: MOVED to approve the limited reopening of Trust Property known as Clubhouse 6, Table Tennis, area operations under state and county guidelines, with oversight by the Recreation Department.

Approve Reopening Picnic Area, Clubhouse 1: MOVED to approve the limited reopening of Trust Property known as Clubhouse 1, Picnic Area, operations under state and county guidelines, with oversight by the Recreation Department.

Rescind 70-1448-3, Golf Course—Emergency Operational Procedure: MOVED to rescind the Emergency Operational Procedure 70-1448-3 of Trust Property known as the Turtle Lake Golf Course and to continue operations under state and county guidelines, with oversight by the Recreation Department.

Rescind 70-1448-3F, Fitness Center—Emergency Operational Procedure: MOVED to rescind the Emergency Operational Procedure 70-1448-3F of Trust Property known as the Fitness Center and to continue operations under state and county guidelines, with oversight by the Recreation Department.

Executive Committee Amend 50-1610-3, GRF Membership Eligibility Criteria: MOVED to amend 50-16103, GRF Membership Eligibility Criteria, accepting revisions suggested by corporate counsel, as presented.

Capital & Reserve Funding Requests— Administration Office and Workstation Improvements, Phase Two: MOVED to approve Phase Two, Administration Offices, ergonomic process improvements and the addition of a training/ flex workstation, in an amount not to exceed $6,700; funding sources: Reserves $3,800, Capital $2,150 and non-budgeted operations $600.

Finance Committee Approve Release of Spreadsheet of Services Provided to the Mutual Corporations: MOVED to approve the release of the list created by Management Services Review Ad Hoc Committee and cover letter to all Mutual boards and authorize the president to sign the letters.

Operating Funds Request— Prepaid Dynamic Support Hours: MOVED to approve the purchase of a prepaid block of 100 support hours from Boyer & Associates, in the amount of $9,750, from operating funds.

Mutual Administration Amend 50-1023-1, GRF Pet Ownership Rules: MOVED to amend 50-1023-1, GRF Pet Ownership Rules, updating document language and the area pets are not allowed, as presented.

Amend 50-5165-3, Mutual Administration & Service Maintenance Charter: MOVED to amend 50-5165-3, Mutual Administration & Service Maintenance Charter, updating the committee’s name, as presented.

Physical Property Committee Emergency Action: Replacement of HVAC Unit Four, Clubhouse 6: MOVED to ratify the executive director’s emergency action to award a contract to Greenwood Heating and Air to replace the heat pump, Clubhouse 6, unit 4, for a cost not to exceed $9,500, Reserve funding.

Approve Cancellation of Contract—Storage Closet, Clubhouse 3: MOVED to cancel the contract with BA construction for the Storage Closet, Clubhouse 3 project.

Capital Funding Request— Fireplace Renovation, Clubhouse 3: MOVED to authorize the executive director to issue work orders to the Service Maintenance Department for the following tasks, not to exceed $10,00, including $1,000 in contingency funds: remove the fireplace surround; add an 18-inch-tall block wall at steel columns; add LED lighting to illuminate the new planter area; patch the flooring with suitable flooring; and face the new surround and existing brick with ADRC-approved stacked stone.

Reserve Funding Request— Contract for Elevator Service, Building 5: MOVED to award a contract to Elite Elevator Service for a modernization upgrade to the elevator located at Building 5, for a cost of $47,097 and adding $3,000 contingency funding, for a total cost not to exceed $50,097, Reserve funding, and authorize the president to sign the contracts.

Recreation Committee Approve Non-Scheduled Amphitheater Events (Movies and Shows), Summer 2021: MOVED to approve four Amphitheater shows and six movies with funds approved by the Finance Committee, in an amount not to exceed $46,000, with the following stipulations: Public Health and Safety Orders would allow for reasonable occupancy within the Amphitheater to justify the expense associated with the event. MOVED to authorize the Recreation Director be given the authority to make any necessary revisions for occupancy and scheduling of the events, as Public Health and Safety Orders may change.

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