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Karaoke Club

Karaoke Club Karaoke Club

It was chilly and breezy the afternoon of April 15, but the karaoke singers waited for their turn to sing. Always anxious to take the microphone was Essie Hicks, who did the Linda Ronstadt number “Long Long Time.” Some country ballads were performed by Carmen Edwards, David Noble, Wayne Urban, Barbie May, Rick Riley and Ellen Brannigan. A variety of pop hits were sung by Ruby Johnson, Bob Barnum, Tino Tupas, Carolyn Mottola, Julie Nulad, Margie Stewart, Richard Yokomi, and Gerry and Vilma Taggaloa. And gospel songs were a favorite for Pat Kogak.

Chairs are set up by GRF custodians under the awning of Veterans Plaza for each Thursday’s gathering at 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome, whether to sing or just enjoy the voices of others. Masks are worn, and toes tap to the music; the applause shows the audience’s appreciation for all performers.

—Margie Thompson

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