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Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The 2021 BYU Women’s Conference, co-sponsored by Brigham Young University and the Relief Society, will be available online beginning Thursday, April 29, and Friday, April 30.

Celebrating its 45th anniversary, the conference is considered one of the largest gatherings of Latter-day Saint women in the world.

This year’s theme is “I am a Child of God. His Promises are Sure.” Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles and his wife, Melanie Rasband, will be featured speakers at one of the seven free sessions.

The free sessions include the Sister to Sister event and six other sessions with presidency members from organizations of the church. These sessions will be available in English with closed captioning and translation in Spanish and Portuguese. No registration is required for the free sessions.

Watch the free sessions live on the Church satellite system, broadcasts. or The seven free sessions will be archived in the BYU Women’s Conference section of Gospel Media and Gospel Library. Find more information at womensconference.

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