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Help for COVID+ Alzheimer’s patients

If you have a family member with memory impairment who has recently tested positive for COVID-19, Alzheimer’s Orange County (AlzOC) COVID+ Memory Care Unit at Fairview Developmental Center in Costa Mesa may have beds available.

The no-cost unit is for short-term stays for COVIDpositive patients with memory loss who are experiencing mild symptoms or are asymptomatic and do not require hospitalbased care. It’s not for longterm placement, but rather to help free up hospital beds and assist in arresting the spread of COVID-19 in congregate living and home environments.

Staffed 24/7 by a Licensed Vocational Nursing team and caregivers with dementia training, the unit can house qualified seniors for a minimum of 10 days and up to 21 days, depending on symptoms and condition, past onset of symptoms or positive test result. All costs are covered by the county.

For more information, contact AlzOC Vice President of Advocacy and Outreach Patty Barnett Mouton at (714) 349-5517.

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