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Participation in Ralphs program raises $1,442.87 in one quarter


By Anna Derby

GAF President

The Golden Age Foundation thanks shareholders for their participation in the Ralphs and Amazon Smile programs. Participation in the two programs contributes financial support that helps GAF continue to provide free programs such as the shredding service, mobility aid loans, the tax preparation and many others throughout the year. Financial support, including general donations helped the GAF provide over 40,000 face masks to LWers and over $80,000 to Meals on Wheels, which provided meals to shareholders who were unable to prepare or shop on their own.

During the last quarter, GAF received $1,442.87 from Ralphs and $315.51 from Amazon Smile. The Amazon Smile represented a milestone. For the first time since the program began, the GAF received more than $300 in a quarter.

Both the Ralphs and Amazon Smile programs donate money to nonprofits at no additional cost to the customer.

Those who are interested in getting involved in the Ralphs Reward program or Amazon Smile can follow the instructions below: Ralphs Reward Program: Go to and register using your Ralphs Reward card or the phone number associated with your account. You can also sign up by calling (800) 443-4438. Be sure to mention GAF’s nonprofit organization (NPO) number with Ralphs, which is FS 519.

Amazon Smile Program: Go to and indicate your charitable organization as the Golden Age Foundation Seal Beach. Now every time you shop on Amazon, it will donate a percentage of your purchase to GAF without any additional cost. Simply sign in with your existing Amazon account information and type in Golden Age Foundation Inc. as the charity you’d like to support (make sure the location is Seal Beach). Once you’re set up, make sure to shop at so the GAF recieves the Amazon donation.

For more information, visit

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