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LW club celebrates its 16th hula-versary

LW club celebrates its 16th hula-versary LW club celebrates its 16th hula-versary


Hui O Hula celebrated its 16th anniversary “on the green” on St. Patrick’s Day. As is tradition, the dancers and band members dressed in green.

They celebrated the occasion by dancing the Green Rose Hula; eating a lunch of salads, corned beef on Hawaiian sweet bread and cake; and taking a group photo. Instructor Jojo Weingart (front) and her board—Kaye Huff, Susan Cucci (behind Jojo) and Yo Kishi (behind Kaye with hat)—recalled celebrating with dancers at the clubhouses throughout the years, including around a decade ago in Clubhouse 4 (see below).

With everyone fully vaccinated, thanks to the GRF, they wish the pandemic will soon be over so they can start enjoying class in the newly renovated Clubhouse 6. In the meantime, dancers will continue to practice at Veterans Plaza on Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome; dancers should wear masks and soft shoes—or go barefoot . Call (562) 431-2242 or email for more class and performance information.

Hui O Hula pose at an anniversary celebration in Clubhouse 4.

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