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Democratic and Republican Clubs stand against hate

LW Democratic Club

Because of our long history of shared values and respect for equal opportunity for all, the Democratic Club stands united with the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPA) community here in Leisure World in speaking out against all forms of inflammatory rhetoric or outrageous statements.

Bigotry, racism, fear and xenophobia have no place in our community.

Mary Larson immediate past president SBLW Democratic Club LW Republican Club There are a few things that transcend party politics, and one of them is racism. The leadership team of the Republican Club wants everyone to know that it has no tolerance with those who practice racism and hatred.

It does not matter how strongly people disagree on issues; there is never an excuse for racism or hate. “Community Unity” has been the overriding theme of LW during this unprecedented year of shutdowns and isolation. We support every effort to encourage all members of our community that we are all in this together.

We reject, and continue to stand firmly against, racism in all of its forms. We believe in respect for and respectful treatment of all people, including those with whom we strongly disagree.

America has come a long way toward the goal that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. put forward over 50 years ago when he said, “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Let’s continue the fight.

Brian Harmon vice president LW Republican Club

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