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LW visitor/future resident joins hula practice

LW visitor/future resident joins hula practice LW visitor/future resident joins hula practice


Oregonian Gayle Kozlowski and her daughter recently visited fellow Long Beach High School alumna Lori Chamberlain of Mutual 11. While apartment hunting in the neighborhood, the trio stopped to watch Hui O Hula dancers as they practiced. Asked if she had a favorite hula/song, Kozlowski recalled dancing to “The Hukilau Song” in Hawai’i. Hukilau is a way of fishing invented by ancient Hawaiians, and the song is among the most popular at luaus (feasts with entertainment). Kozlowski was invited to join the group after instructor Jojo Weingart demonstrated and explained the lyrics. The future LW resident had fun.

Hui O Hula dancers get together to dance or just move their bodies whenever the weather permits. They are looking forward to dancing at Donna Copper’s neighborhood in Mutual 15 on Saturday, March 20. Hula lessons are given at Veterans Plaza every Thursday at 1:30 p.m.; everyone is welcome, regardless of skill level. Dancers wear masks, dress in layers, and go barefoot or wear soft shoes. Call (562) 431-2242 or email for more information.

—JoJo Weingart

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