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LW Baptist

LW Baptist LW Baptist

by Rolland Coburn


Jesus’ resurrection surprised his followers because they didn’t understand the Gospel message. So the narrative reports big surprises for them.

Jesus’ enemies considered him a convicted criminal claiming to be the King of the Jews, deserving of his body to be dumped in the Valley of Hinnom with other crucified criminals, not a decent burial. Isaiah’s forgotten prophecy (53:9) foretold they would assign the Messiah’s grave with the wicked, but Father-God would overrule to have a rich man donate his own new, rock-hewn tomb for Jesus’ special burial (Luke 27:55). The place is marked to this day.

Early Sunday morning, the women find the tomb empty (Luke 24:5-9). Two men in dazzling clothing appear, saying, “Why seek the living among the dead? He is not here. He’s risen, as he said.” And they remembered Jesus’ words: “I, the Son of Man, must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.” They returned and reported it all to the 11 disciples and the others. Peter ran to the tomb and confirmed their report.

In the hours after his resurrection, Jesus appeared to many of his followers, such as the two on the road to Emmaus. As they walked, a stranger joined them and began explaining the Old Testament prophecies that said the Messiah must suffer and die and on the third day rise again. When they shared a meal, he gave thanks to the Father, and two followers recognized Jesus.

After Jesus left, they returned to Jerusalem. Finding the disciples, they discovered some of them had seen Jesus, too. Suddenly, Jesus was in their midst. He said, “Peace be to you,” and calmed their fears. He invited them to touch and handle him, and he ate a piece of fish, saying, “Don’t be afraid; a spirit does not have flesh and bone as you see I have.”

For 40 days following his resurrection, Jesus spent time showing his followers how his life, death, burial and resurrection fulfill all the Old Testament prophecies. His disciples, he said, are his witnesses, spreading his word of salvation through his name alone to all the world. We too may doubt, but if we read and meditate on his word, we will be ready to share the salvation message. And we will rejoice with confidence that Jesus is indeed risen. Hallelujah, what a Savior.

LW Baptist Church meets Sunday mornings at 9:30 in the Amphitheater.

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