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Letters to the Editor


I want to pay tribute to and acknowledge a special friend that our community has lost—Byong Choi. His presence, personality and friendliness were unforgettable.

He participated in many clubs and events and was appreciated wherever he went. I saw him in several multicultural situations having fun and bringing joy to others. I laughed with him. I ballroom-danced with him, and line-danced with him too. His spiritual conviction was apparent as was his love for lovely wife.

I recall how he supported our hula group, reserving a table for his friends when he could for our hula shows.

We miss you, good friend, but are sure you are in a better place.

Kaye Huff Mutual 7 Editor:

Since 1973, the Golden Age Foundation has been committed to its vision to enhance the quality of life to all 8,100-plus shareholders.

Our board members and volunteers represent and celebrate the rich diversity of our community. The Golden Age Foundation stands with the Golden Rain Foundation in condemning any hate speech/bias or racism.

The GAF has benefited from the generosity and ongoing support of clubs, organizations and churches that mirror the rich diversity of the LW community. Some of these groups include:

•Filipino Association of Leisure World

•Hui O Hula Club

•Leisure World Women’s Club

•Leisure World Community Church

•Seal Beach Sa Rang Church

•Seal Beach Cornerstone Church

•The Joyful Line Dance Club

•The Korean American Association

• The Korean American Choral Group

• The Sunshine Club

• Y’s Service Club Please stand with us against any and all discrimination. Lillian Kennedy, GAF Board member Editor: What have I learned in the last week? There are many places in LW that celebrate diversity. The Sunshine Club is one of them. It is a place where everyone gets along, no matter what their background or skin color. No matter what, when you walk through the door into your first meeting, you are a friend, a friend with an opportunity to make more friends, get to know your neighbors, listen to guest speakers, receive information about your community and enjoy delectable treats in a sociable atmosphere, all with no dues and no membership fees.

We don’t discuss politics or religion. We don’t do hate. We want to be living examples of unity. We are ambassadors promoting harmony in our community. As you can imagine, this is a difficult time.

Since Jan. 12, 2012, the Sunshine Club has succeeded in making everyone a friend. Sometimes people are turned away at the door when they arrive too late and letting them in would mean exceeding room capacity.

But this week I learned that not everyone in LW wants to be part of the Sunshine Club. Some people do not want to be harmonious with all and friendly to all. Some people don’t want to be living examples of unity. They must not understand that we are all one.

There is a saying that goes

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