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Choi sisters are touched by outpouring of support in LW

Choi sisters are touched by outpouring of support in LW Choi sisters are touched by outpouring of support in LW


Hundreds of LW residents and outside guests, including U.S. Congresswoman Michelle Park Steel, attended a rally to stand unified against Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) hate on March 29.

Veterans Plaza was filled with signwaving people of all ethnicities and ages to decry a March 22 hate letter sent to a LW resident of Korean descent. The rally was sponsored by the Korean American Association, which invited all who love peace and hate racism in any form.

In addition to Congresswoman Steel, notable speakers included Claudia Choi representing the Choi family, Mary Larson, LW Democratic Club president; Brian Harmon, LW Republican Club vice president; Ren Villanueva, Filipino Association of LW; and the Board of Directors of the KAA.

“We are going to raise our voices and support each other,” said Steel, adding that she and Congresswoman Katie Porter are working to protect the AAPI community with a bipartisan resolution, H.R. 153, introduced in the House of Representatives last month.

The resolution goes beyond condemning hate crimes. It encourages perpetrators to be brought to justice by both local and federal law enforcement.

“Hate crime cannot be accepted anywhere in America,” Steel said.

Claudia Choi praised the GRF for strongly condemning the letter and said her family was most touched by the support of so many residents who “reached out with cards and letters.”

“My parents’ neighbors want them to know that they are loved and supported and bigotry has no place in LW.”

—Ruth Osborn, managing editor

The Korean American Association hosted a rally March 29 at Veterans Plaza. LWers and friends turned out to hear a host of officials urge unity and tolerance for all.Ruth Osborn, photos

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