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Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

By Jim Greer

LW contributor

In his October 2020 General Conference address titled “Let God Prevail,” President Russell M. Nelson explained the importance of the gathering of Israel. “Everything about it has intrigued me, including the ministries and names of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,” he said. Especially intriguing to the Prophet is the covenant God made that extends throughout their lineage. Today, we are discovering more about the dispersion of the 12 tribes and the prophecies about their gathering.

Nelson spoke of Hebrew scholars who teach that one of the Hebraic meanings of the word Israel is “let God prevail.” The family name Israel identifies those who are willing to let God prevail in their lives.

This willingness is fully demonstrated in the expression of our agency when we choose to identify ourselves with Israel. As we do, we decide to let God prevail and allow him to be the most potent influence in our lives.

A crucial turning point in Jacob’s life was when he wrestled with a severe challenge in a place he named Peniel, meaning “the face of God.” It was there that he sought a special blessing from a messenger of God. In his struggle, Jacob proved his insistence that God prevail in his life. In response, Jehovah changed Jacob’s name to Israel and conferred upon him the same blessings pronounced upon the head of Abraham.

In time, Israel’s posterity was no longer willing to let God prevail in their lives and broke its covenants. God then scattered them to Earth’s four corners with a promise to gather them again, stating, “For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee.”

With the Hebraic definition of Israel as “let God prevail,” we witness that the gathering of Israel takes on added meaning. We now recognize that the Lord lovingly gathers those who select him as the preeminent influence in their lives.

The gathering of Israel is happening now. As a prelude to the second coming, it is the most critical work in the world. It should be our saga and an expression of our expanding faith and spiritual courage. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are “latterday covenant Israel,” and we are charged to assist the Lord with this work.

Nelson continues, “When we speak of gathering Israel on both sides of the veil, we are referring to missionary, temple and family history work. We are referring to building faith and testimony in the hearts of those with whom we live, work and serve.” When we help those on either side of the veil make and keep covenants, we help gather Israel.

“The gospel net to gather scattered Israel is expansive,” declared Nelson. “There is room for each person who will fully embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ. Each convert becomes one of God’s covenant children, whether by birth or by adoption. Each becomes a full heir to all that God has promised the faithful children of Israel!”

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