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New appointment times assigned as storm delays clinics

New appointment times assigned as storm delays clinics New appointment times assigned as storm delays clinics


OptumCare’s second-dose clinics scheduled for Feb. 20 and 21 at Clubhouse 6 were rescheduled for this weekend due to a winter storm that delayed delivery of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Those who were scheduled for the Feb. 20 clinic will return instead this Saturday, Feb. 27, and those who were scheduled for shots Feb. 21 will get their shots Sunday, Feb. 28.

The clinics planned for today, Feb. 25, and Friday, Feb. 26, have been postponed to Saturday, March 6, and Sunday, March 7, respectively. The times have also been changed for all second-shot clinics, and all clinics going forward will be held on weekends.

Although recipients may have been told to return at the same time of day as their first round, second-shot clinics are moving faster than anticipated. People with afternoon reservations have been asked to come in earlier.

OptumCare has requested the following schedule:

• Everyone scheduled for a second shot before noon should keep that appointment.

• Those scheduled between 3-4 p.m. should come between 9-10 a.m.

•Those scheduled between 4-5 p.m. should come between 10-11 a.m.

•Those scheduled between 5-6 p.m. should come between 11 a.m. and noon.

•Those scheduled after 6 p.m. should come in between 1-2:30 p.m.

Even with the postponement, the revised clinic schedules allow for shots to be administered within the 42-day window for receiving second doses; however, if you are an exception because of a previous delay, consult your physician.

You are required to present your paperwork from the first clinic or the appointment card to get your second shot. This is to prevent fraudulent attempts to obtain a first injection at a second shot clinic, as some have attempted to do. The quantities are carefully metered to accommodate the same number of people from each first-shot clinic.

People who have not yet received an inoculation can expect it in March as long as they have reregistered since Feb. 5.

All appointments are randomly determined by computer, so people’s dates of registration have no bearing on when their appointments will be scheduled.

The majority of LWers over 65 have

VACCINE, page 2 been vaccinated, so the rest of the community should be accommodated at upcoming clinics. Once the over-65 group is inoculated and Orange County opens the vaccine up to others, the GRF and OptumCare plan to vaccinate those under 65, as well as GRF employees, registered caregivers (unregistered caregivers will not be eligible; call Stock Transfer, (562) 431-6586, ext. 339, for registration information) and GRF’s custodial contractor employees. Watch for updates on LW Live for new clinic dates.

LWers who have not registered should do so immediately at www. Those who do not have access to the Internet can be registered by anybody who does.

Once registered:

• Your name will be added to a database of those who want the vaccination. If the qualified resident is under 65, they will be entered into a separate database for when the vaccine is made available to them. If one person in a couple is under 65, it is preferable to register together for the later date, or to register separately if the older person needs to be vaccinated sooner.

• As clinics are scheduled, names will be taken from the list at random by the system, and people will be contacted for appointments.

• People will be notified of their appointment day and time by email if they registered by email.

• People who register for another person will need to contact the resident they are helping to inform them of their appointments and, if necessary, transport them or arrange for the Access bus to bring them to Clubhouse 6.

• Once notified of an appointment, registrants must show up for the vaccination on the date and time specified. There are no choices of times or dates.

Also, people must be available to take the second dose three weeks after the first dose.

Couples will be scheduled together by completing the one form with both names.

If you are unable to complete registration by email and do not have a friend or relative to assist you, contact Cindy Tostado at (562) 431-6586, ext. 317, or Eloy Gomez, (562) 431-6586, ext. 356, for a copy of the form to register manually or for personal assistance.

Individuals have asked to be moved up the vaccination list. The GRF is required to offer the vaccine to any GRF member, co-occupant or lessee over 65, without special consideration. To do this equitably, the computer randomly picks from all registrants. Standbys are chosen the same way and are called when registrants don’t show up for their appointments. So far 4,200 residents have been inoculated, and everyone who wants the vaccination should ultimately receive one.

Residents may choose to wait until vaccines are available to them in Leisure World, or they can try to find a faster route at other Orange County outlets.

To find out more about outside options, visit https://occovid19. ochealthinfo.

People who are now eligible to receive shots can register online through

Those who get vaccinated somewhere else and are registered in LW are asked to notify Recreation to take them off the waiting list by sending an email to

For more information, contact

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