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did on the cross? Didn’t ….

did on the cross? Didn’t he show an unconditional love for his enemies? Didn’t he bless those who had cursed him? Wasn’t it all good that he died on the cross for those who had nothing but hate for him? And what was he doing when he asked “Father forgive them, for they do not know what they do” while on the cross? He was praying for those who spitefully used him as he died for the sins of mankind.

I believe this is a clear message to those who profess to be “born again” believers. Just as Stephen was able to forgive, we too are called to this kind of forgiveness.

If you want to speak to someone at the church or have a need, call First Christian Church office at (562) 431-8810. Leave a message and someone will return your call as soon as possible.

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