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COVID-19 Clinic Updates

COVID-19 Clinic Updates COVID-19 Clinic Updates

The next second-dose COVID- 19 vaccination clinics are scheduled for Feb. 20 and 21 and for Feb. 25 and 26. Recipients may have been told to return at the same time of day has their first round, but second-shot clinics are moving faster. Afternoon reservations have been asked to come in earlier.

OptumCare requests the following: • If you are scheduled for your second shot before noon, keep that appointment.

• If you are scheduled between 3-4 p.m., come in between 9-10 a.m.

• If you are scheduled between 4-5 p.m., come in between 10-11 a.m.

• If you are scheduled between 5-6 p.m., come in between 11 a.m.-noon.

• If you are scheduled after 6 p.m., come in between 1-2:30 p.m.

You are required to present your paperwork from the first clinic or the appointment card in order to get your second shot. This is to prevent fraudulent attempts to obtain a first injection at a second shot clinic, as some have attempted to do.

The quantities are carefully metered to accommodate the same number of people from each first-shot clinic.

In order to collect the most accurate data for future first shot clinics, the GRF Vaccine Taskforce is requesting all GRF members, co-occupants and renter/lessees to reregister at this time. This has become necessary due to the number of registrants who have gone elsewhere to have the vaccine, canceled appointments or failed to appear for their vaccination.

Reregistration will clarify the number of residents who still want to receive the vaccine. Although the GRF is still restricted to those over 65, all qualified residents should register, as soon all age groups will be permitted to receive the vaccine.

Registered caregivers, employees and service contractors should not register at this time but will be addressed at a later date. You do not need to register if you did so after Feb. 5 or if you have already had the first shot. The confirmation will pop up after you hit “submit.” You will not receive a separate email confirmation.

• Residents may sign up at

They must have GRF ID cards.

• For faster registration, have the following information ready: name, a second name if living in same unit, Mutual number, unit number, email, phone number and date(s) of birth.

To help a friend or neighbor register, just sign up at Any qualified LWSB resident can be signed up. Use your phone number and email address as the contact person for your friend or neighbor.

Their name will be added to a database of those who want the vaccination. If they are under 65, they will be entered into a separate database for when the vaccine is made available to them. If one person in a couple is under 65, it is preferable to register together for the later date, or to register separately if the older person needs to be vaccinated sooner.

As clinics are scheduled, names will be taken from the list at random, and those selected will be contacted for appointments.

People who signed up by email will be notified of their appointment date and time by email.

If you signed up for someone else and they get an appointment, inform him or her of the appointment. If necessary, Access transportation is available to bring people to the Clubhouse 6 clinics. For bus information, call 431-6586, ext 372.

People are assigned appointment dates and times because clinics are quickly scheduled as vaccine becomes available. With the short notice, people can’t choose appointment times.

Of importance:

• You must be available to take the second dose three weeks after the first dose.

• Couples will be scheduled together by completing the one form with both names.

• If you are unable to complete registration by email and do not have a friend or relative to assist you, contact Cindy Tostado at (562) 431-6586, ext. 317, or Eloy Gomez at ext. 356, for a copy of the form to register manually or for personal assistance.

The GRF is often asked by individuals to be moved up the list.

It is required to offer the vaccine to any GRF member, co-occupant or lessee over 65. To do this equitably, the computer randomly assigns appointments to registrants.

Standbys are chosen the same way and are called when people don’t show up for their appointment.

The GRF doesn’t choose nor reject anybody. It is a simple matter of mathematics: There are nearly 10,000 people living here, and so far, 4,200 have been inoculated.

Residents are free to get their shots from another Point of Distribution center if they don’t feel they can wait. In that case, send an email to to be removed from the registration list.

For more information, contact

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