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Ebooks available at OC Public Libraries

Ebooks available at OC Public Libraries Ebooks available at OC Public Libraries

The Orange County Public Libraries has an extensive catalog of ebooks available for readers with smartphones and tablets. Anyone with an OC Public Libraries card can check out audio and ebooks through the online app Libby by OverDrive. (To get a card, go to https://catalog. search/registration/$N/TEST/ true.) Through this app on your cellphone or tablet, you can find audiobooks and ebooks, check them out, download them, and access them. You can keep track of your reading history, and all your loans and holds are consolidated in a single place, with positions and notes synced across all your devices. Libby can also send books to Kindle for people who like to read on that device. (Older devices that are not compatible with Libby should be able to run the OverDrive app.) Libby is available for download from either the Apple App Store for iPhones or Google Play for androids; for laptops, go to

Any title on a reader’s virtual bookshelf is available at any time, even when the device is not connected to Wi-Fi. Books are automatically returned to the library unless an additional hold is requested or the reader finishes early and submits a return.

If you need help getting set up, there are a number of helpful videos posted at https://ocpl. org/elibrary/virtual-programs/ how-videos.

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