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What’s the difference?

What’s the difference? What’s the difference?


People often ask, what’s the difference between the Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) and the GoldenAgeFoundation(GAF)?

In short, everything. Although the GAF and the GRF are often confused, they are two completely separate organizations.

The GRF is the not-for-profit corporation that manages the trust property of Leisure World. It has employees overseen by an executive director and a board of directors composed of LW shareholders who serve on numerous committees, including Recreation, Mutual Administration, Physical Property, Finance, Communications and IT and Security, among others.

Every resident owner of Leisure World is a member of the GRF, which is why they are called shareholders. The GRF is funded by a portion of each resident’s monthly carrying charge.

The GAF, on the other hand, is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

It has a small board of directors. Every person in the organization is a volunteer.

Its mission is to make the community a better place to live. Funding is dependent on contributions from shareholders or community clubs and organizations.

When a large bequest is received, which happens occasionally, it usually is designated for a specific project. For example, in 2013, gym equipment was provided through a bequest from Jack Schiffiler. The GAF works hand in hand with the GRF to facilitate the projects that bequests provide for.

Donations cover all manner of services, including programs like the Hospitality Center in Clubhouse 6, tax preparation, paper shredding, battery recycling and mobility aids.

All of these are provided to residents free of charge. The driving force for the GAF is in its mission statement: to improve life in Leisure World.

“We are always looking for donations, both large and small,” said GAF President Anna Derby. “If you’re making out your will or trust and want to help make Leisure World a nicer place, please remember us. We aren’t focused only on large donations; we appreciate every single donation because every gift helps us in achieving our goal.” In year’s past, the GAF had a catered gala to honor its volunteers. It was suspended for three years because of COVID-19, but will resume as soon as possible.

The gala was an annual highlight, featuring entertainment, a silent auction and more. Residents are invited to check out volunteer opportunities in the GAF.

“Nothing happens in our organization without the dedication and efforts of our volunteers,” said Derby. “They are the heart and soul of the Golden Age Foundation.” For more information, go to www.goldenagefdn. org or a leave message at (562) 431-9589.

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