17 June 2020







New coral reef exhibition is ready for guests

New coral reef exhibition is ready for guests

AQUARIUM OF THE PACIFIC After careful planning and discussions with the City of Long Beach, the Aquarium of the Pacific reopened to the public on June 14, with special safety measures in place. The Aquarium has been offering a variety of programs for people at home through its Online Academy during its closure due to COVID-19 and plans to continue to do so. It will also debut a new exhibition




GAF handed out 800 masks in its second LW mask give away

GAF handed out 800 masks in its second LW mask give away

COMMUNITY STRONG In response to seeing a need for masks throughout the community, the Golden Age Foundation (GAF) hosted its second mask giveaway on June 12 in Veteran’s Plaza. The event drew out many people, causing the line to snake around the Clubhouse 3 building at one point, with everyone standing six feet apart. The group ended up giving away 800 masks to the community. Another 650 masks


Celebrating 65 years together

Celebrating 65 years together

LW ANNIVERSARY Gene and Margaret Smith were married on June 17, 1955 in Redondo Beach, Ca. Gene was working for the North American Aviation at the time. In 1958 they had twin daughters, Barbara and Beverly and in 1960 they had a third daughter, Susan. In 1969 they all moved to Dexter, Maine, where Gene was born and grew up. Margaret was born in Bristol, England and immigrated to Main in 1949.