22 July 2020






GRF Employee Reports BB Gun Attack

GRF Employee Reports BB Gun Attack

On July 20 at about 8:30 a.m., someone fired a BB or pellet gun at a Service Maintenance vehicle that was southbound on St. Andrews heading toward Golden Rain Road parallel to the Administration/ Clubhouse 6 parking lot. The Service Maintenance employee was not hurt but the vehicle had three hits on the driver’s side storage area and one BB was embedded in an orange safety cone in the back. The





COVID-19: It’s a Personal Responsibility

COVID-19: It’s a Personal Responsibility

by Eloy Gomez GRF emergency/safety coordinator The COVID-19 pandemic has created challenges in our everyday lives. As we each do our part to help slow the spread of coronavirus disease, we look to the helpers all around us and wonder how we too could do more. Everyone Has a Part We all have a part to play in helping resolve this crisis. First, we must follow the practices recommended by the


Realtor.com story calls LW a seaside deal for retirees

Realtor.com story calls LW a seaside deal for retirees

RANKED NO. 7 Leisure World, Seal Beach, made the top 10 of great places to retire in a story called “The 10 Most Affordable Beach Towns in America for Retirees.” The story, written by Sara Ventiera, was published on June 11 at marketwatch. com and originally appeared on realtor.com. There are more than 74 million boomers—of which 10,000 per day are hitting age 65, according to the Pew