02 September 2020



OC Registrar ballot drop box comes to LW

OC Registrar ballot drop box comes to LW

NEW VOTING OPTIONS IN LW At its regularly scheduled meeting on Aug. 25, the GRF Board of Directors approved a measure to allow the Orange County Registrar of Voters to install a permanent Ballot Drop Box for the convenience of voters within the LWSB community. The Drop Box will be installed today, Sept. 3, near the bus stop at the Amphitheater, next to the U.S. Mailbox. It is accessible


MARCH Anna Gamboa 
	Office Secretary ….

MARCH Anna Gamboa Office Secretary ….

MARCH Anna Gamboa Office Secretary Mutual Administration It is with great pleasure to announce GRF’s Employees of the Month for March, April, May, June, July and August 2020. As COIVD-19 suspended GRF Board meetings, we will publicly recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of these extraordinary individuals. The GRF appreciates the efforts of its employees to achieve its goals in providing


APRIL Alex Ramirez 
	Plumber Service ….

APRIL Alex Ramirez Plumber Service ….

APRIL Alex Ramirez Plumber Service Maintenance with a warm smile – her response time is always on target with our questions. Such a pleasure to work with.” “She is the glue that holds Mutual Administration together and goes out of her way to keep informed to help everyone. She is the go-to person for her department and is very organized which helps the entire department run smoothly.”


JUNE Pedro Sandoval Lozano 
	Mechanic ….

JUNE Pedro Sandoval Lozano Mechanic ….

JUNE Pedro Sandoval Lozano Mechanic Transportation to the community, and will do anything it takes to accomplish the job.” May: Deanna Bennett Executive Coordinator, Administration “Since working with Deanna more closely the past couple of months, I have witnessed her organizational skills and her ability to successfully multi-task. “Deanna anticipates issues and successfully resolves


JULY Ruth Osborn 
	Managing Editor ….

JULY Ruth Osborn Managing Editor ….

JULY Ruth Osborn Managing Editor News He is consistently looking at cost saving opportunities without sacrificing service and/or quality. Pedro is willing to take on new projects with excitement and welcomes new challenges.” July: Ruth Osborn Managing Editor News During a time of change and uncertainty, Ruth has demonstrated her ability to take on new opportunities. Ruth has been


AUGUST Mike Meza 
	Building Inspector ….

AUGUST Mike Meza Building Inspector ….

AUGUST Mike Meza Building Inspector Physical Property help the News department achieve excellence with every LW Weekly production. August: Mike Meza Building Inspector Physical Property On Aug. 14, Michael was working when he observed an unknown male begin to attempt to climb the fence on Northwood Road near the North Gate. Michael immediately advised Security, and SBPD was called. Mike’s


Online classes offered in September

Online classes offered in September

REGISTRATION UNDERWAY People who are having difficulty hearing or seeing their smartphones are invited to attend a free workshop on how to make them work better for you. Training covers making smartphone volume louder and easier to hear; sending text messages, connecting Bluetooth devices, using basic functions and more. This is a two-part online training. To participate, you need a computer

