21 October 2020




Group helps make 700 masks

Group helps make 700 masks

LW STAR VOLUNTEERS Bernie and Martha Goossens from Mutual 2 always look for something to do for the neighbors. They have been married for over 40 years and have been living in Leisure World for three. Bernie, being a machinist turned tailor for 40 years, helped make face masks with his wife. They started sewing face masks at the beginning of the stay at home order to help neighbors, and


Detective Ainley will give talk on Safety and Security Friday

Detective Ainley will give talk on Safety and Security Friday

SUNSHINE CLUB Detective Jon Ainley, SBPD, is the Sunshine Club’s speaker on Friday, Oct. 23, at 10 a.m. via Zoom. During his presentation Ainley will cover these areas: • Calling police vs. calling LW security • Situational awareness • Safety and security • Common scams • Computerhacksandphishing • Identity theft To join the Zoom meeting, follow the link






Chess Club

Chess Club

In this week’s puzzle, white moves first, and for any answer by black, the white’s next move is checkmate. The white bishop moves from D6 to E7. Any answer by black, the white’s next move is checkmate. Unfortunately, the members of the chess club are unable to play together on Fridays because of the COVID-19 shutdowns. The chess puzzle will appear in the LW paper weekly to keep the love




bituaries ••• Delia Ravessoud 1918-2020 After a full and amazing 102 years of life, the Holy Spirit called Delia Ravessoud to the gates of Heaven on Friday, Sept. 11, 2020. ur beloved mother, you will be so dearly missed. Delia was born on Jan. 25, 1918, in Mercedes, Buenos Aires, Argentina. At a young age, she dreamed of flying planes. In 1940, she became one of Argentina’s