28 October 2020


Sola Lights in Your Home

Sola Lights in Your Home

by Jaetaik Yoo LW contributor In 1879, Thomas Edison developed an electric light bulb which could be used at home, and he brought the electric light to the public masses. Currently we can’t live even a day without electricity to light our homes. So Edison is one of the great figures in human history in the fields of science and culture. He also invented the phonograph and moving pictures. Thanks





night and they need lights ….

night and they need lights ….

night and they need lights that are dimmer than electric lights. Sola lights are just bright enough for seniors’ eyes. You can buy small Sola lights for 99 cents. I keep them in the bedrooms and restroom. We are free from the electric or other kinds of lights from now on. It is worth to try it as it’s very easy, safe and economical.


21 October 2020


Mutual 2 has LW’s first certified Monarch Waystation

Mutual 2 has LW’s first certified Monarch Waystation

by Christine Harris Mutual 2 Landscape Chair On Aug. 30, Mutual 2 became the first mutual in Leisure World to have an official, registered and certified Monarch Waystation—that’s a habitat providing the necessary resources for monarchs during their breeding and migration seasons. The beautiful byway located on Monterey Road by Building 14 along the Westminster wall was certified by MonarchWatch.org.




is not canceled Giving thanks in the face of the unimaginable 2020 has been a year of unbridled sacrifice as COVID-19 has ripped through the country, tearing apart families, traditions and the very foundations of day-to-day life. Yet, amid the grave emergency that has gripped American life, there have been glimmers of good—compassionate kindness, determination to see it through, and courage


Official Ballot Boxes, Pop-Up Vote Center  offer LW residents a variety of options

Official Ballot Boxes, Pop-Up Vote Center offer LW residents a variety of options

2020 OC VOTE Recently, there have been inquiries and complaints regarding ballot collection inside Leisure World Seal Beach, causing confusion as to what the legal voting options are for residents. In order to dispel rumor and misinformation, the Recreation Department contacted the Orange County Registrar of Voters for clarification. To vote in the community, here are your options: •




Cooking is the leading cause of home fires and fire injuries, according to the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA). Ninety percent of all structure fires in Orange County occur in the kitchen, and seniors are especially at risk. The death rate for people over the age of 65 is twice the national average, and it nearly triples for those over the age of 75. Between 2010 and 2015, Leisure World was