11 November 2020



Family Radio  Service Users

Family Radio Service Users

Calling all Family Radio Service Users in Leisure World: The Radio Club provides an opportunity for a Family Radio Service (FRS) practice drill every Wednesday morning. Anyone who has an FRS radio is invited to participate. The call-in time is 9:30-9:45 a.m. on Channel 13/0. Be sure to wait until the radio is clear, then call in stating your first name, last name initial and mutual number. Remember






Marvelous Mask Makers

Marvelous Mask Makers

These LW Star volunteers, Cassie Caddell (top left) Verna Morgan (upper right) and Dorothy Swartz – are hard- working mask makers When Caddell, Schwartz and Morgan, heard about the high need for washable face masks at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, they individually went to work for the Sewing Brigade’s Mask project. All three of them were highly productive, Schwartz has sewn over



Maryann Shaddow will be at this week’s Zoom presentation

Maryann Shaddow will be at this week’s Zoom presentation

SUNSHINE CLUB Maryann Shaddow, a Realtor from On Site Home Sales, is the speaker for the Sunshine Club’s Zoom meeting on Friday, Nov. 13, at 10 a.m. To join the Zoom meeting, follow the link, https://us02web. zoom.us/j/82119904568?pwd=d kVmOVowRU1uQXRNb2QveF dFSHp4Zz09. The meeting ID is t821 1990 4568. Those who would like to get a Zoom link by email, text your email address to (562)
