11 November 2020


Orange County Public Libraries

Orange County Public Libraries

Though most branches of the Orange County Public Libraries have reopened after months of closure because of the coronavirus emergency, there are restrictions in place to comply with county and state guidelines. still numerous resources available. Curbside Pick-Up Contactless service allows you to pick up items from the library without any physical contact. Simply place items on hold via https://catalog.ocpl.org.





Tech Talk

Tech Talk

Join Bob Cohen in a onehour live Zoom class on technology every Friday at 10 a.m. Topics are different each week and include iPhones and apps, websites, home-office technology, and Internet marketing. A question-and-answer session is held during each class, and all you need to know in advance is how to join using Zoom. All sessions are free. Registration information with optional reading material


Cool Cardboard Creations Contest

Cool Cardboard Creations Contest

Withmorepeople taking advantage of having everything delivered to their homes, mounds of recyclable cardboard boxes have been multiplying, even in Leisure World S e al Be ach , where another mutual could possibly be built from discarded shipping materials. Instead of tossing those cardboard containers, reuse and repurpose boxes and scraps for a chance to win fabulous prizes in the Cool Cardboard



Hui O Hula dancers and ….

Hui O Hula dancers and ….

Hui O Hula dancers and band appreciate the opportunity to practice their crafts during uncertain times. Instructor Jojo Weingart thanks Sara Park (front l-r) and Gee Gee Kwok for their devotion to hula. Both have been dancing and performing for more than a decade. Kudos also goes to malihini (newcomer) Nam Bui, a.k.a.Nancy, (second row, left) for her sunny disposition; she is a great addition to LW’s



Feng Shui Zoom Workshops 2021

Feng Shui Zoom Workshops 2021

At one its last meetings, the Where-We-Live Club discussed the concept of Feng Shui Arts to help beautify and organize personal spaces. It was such a success that the group decided to expand on the subject in 2021 with “Let’s Put Our Affairs in Order and Organize!” “It is not easy for us to live with the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic,” says club president Leslie Parker