25 November 2020




Building relationships through Zoom

Building relationships through Zoom

SUNSHINE CLUB The Sunshine Club will not have its regular Friday Zoom meeting on Nov. 27 so that club members are free celebrate Thanksgiving Day with family. The club will meet again on Dec. 4, with Elizabeth Denny, the community relations/education specialist for the Orange County Fire Authority presenting the topic on fire safety. The club has hosted weekly Zoom meetings since July to




Finding the right mobility aid during the pandemic

Finding the right mobility aid during the pandemic

GAF By John Hlava GAF Mobility Aids Program Chair One would think that getting a needed mobility aid during the pandemic would be next to impossible due to the fact that Clubhouse 6, where the storeroom is located, is closed. Luckily, nothing could be further from the truth; in a lot of ways, it’s even easier. Just call the Golden Age Foundation’s voicemail line at (562) 431-9589




widow and fending for myself. ….

widow and fending for myself. ….

widow and fending for myself. I learned to reflect and ponder, became an “adult” and tackled independence. It’s been a milestone. I am therefore grateful on this Thanksgiving, even while my future is uncertain in this now unfamiliar world. I’m further thankful because GRF has reopened some activities to encourage our overall health. I am staying active again outdoors. Also, endless gratitude


Club finds things to be thankful for

Club finds things to be thankful for

REPUBLICAN CLUB By Brian Harmon LW contributor Even though this has been a tough year, LW residents have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. We live in the greatest and freest country in the world. We live in relative safety because of our security officers, the Seal Beach police officers and the watchfulness of our neighbors. Most of us will also agree that we have the nicest neighbors