10 February 2021






Street Sweeping

Street Sweeping

GRF trust streets are swept on the fourth Thursday of the month. Parked vehicles must be removed from trust streets before midnight the night before. Contact Mutual directors to find out when your carports are scheduled for sweeping.


Drop off shredding service is happening March 4

Drop off shredding service is happening March 4

GAF The Golden Age Foundation’s shredding service event in the Clubhouse 2 parking lot will be on Thursday, March 4, from 10 a.m.–noon. The event will be a drop-and-go service only, so residents will not have to wait in line to have their items shredded. GAF sponsors this free service and will be at the event to help shareholders if needed. Social distancing will be strictly enforced,


Learn about managing chronic pain without opioid treatment

Learn about managing chronic pain without opioid treatment

SUNSHINE CLUB Three physicians from the Boston Scientific Neuromodulation Division/Pain Management department will be at the Sunshine Club’s next Zoom meeting on Friday, Feb. 12, at 10 a.m. All shareholders are welcome. To join the Zoom meeting, go to https://us02web.zoom. us/j/84982089743?pwd=UG R3RlZRaUJmWmlSNE9KdT dNMUh3QT09. The meeting ID is 849 8208 9743, and the passcode is 508742.



Democratic Club

Democratic Club

By Mary Larson LW contributor Newly designated Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC) Executive Director Ajay Mohan and Vice President Libby Frolichman will join club members for its Wednesday, Feb. 17, Zoom meeting, beginning at noon. Together, they will lead a brainstorming session about how best to use the rest of 2021 to prepare for supporting Democratic campaigns in the 2022 Primary


Republican Club

Republican Club

By Brian Harmon LW contributor Although it is not always possible, the leadership team of the LW GOP club prefers to focus on good things rather than bad, and happy things rather than sad. At the top of the list for many people is the vaccine program here in LW. The members of the Republican Club want to take this opportunity to honor the Golden Rain Foundation, volunteers and OPTUM Care staff,