24 February 2021


The Leisure World Coin Club ….

The Leisure World Coin Club ….

The Leisure World Coin Club held its first meeting of the year on Feb. 17. All members were pleased to reunite with their fellow numismatists for the first time in almost a year. They bragged about the newest additions to their collections and were also able to trade or update coins. Meeting outdoors was reportedly quite a change from Clubhouse 3, but the club still managed to get a lot of business



First Christian Church

First Christian Church

By Bruce Humes Pastor The phrase “This is a faithful saying” is recorded in several places in the Holy Scriptures. Let’s look at a few. In Titus 3:8, we read, “This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men.” As believers, we



LW Baptist

LW Baptist

By Rolland Coburn Pastor The Bible says Jesus is Lord. Conversations in Luke 6 show this in action. One Sabbath conversation occurred in a grainfield. Jesus crossed with his disciples, who plucked, shucked and snacked on the grain, as God’s law permitted. Pharisees watching accused them of Sabbath-breaking, of harvesting, though they carried nothing away. They faulted Jesus’ allowing



Beit HaLev

Beit HaLev

Be happy, it’s Purim! Tonight, Feb. 25, is Erev Purim, and Beit HaLev will present a special Purim Shpiel (play) to celebrate Judaism’s craziest festival. Bring your own libation and noisemakers to our “Zoomagogue,” and if you wear a costume, you will be given a role to play. If anyone wears the same costume as someone else, the role will be shared. Scripts and music will be sent to those



Assembly of God

Assembly of God

By Sheryl Franco Co-pastor What delights your heart? My heart’s delight these days centers on family. We just celebrated a milestone birthday with my mother. As a surprise, I asked our sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren to each write a special thought or memory to read to Gigi at our little family gathering. Each of my mother’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren read a unique memory
