24 February 2021


Rules of play being considered for senior golf leagues in U.S.

Rules of play being considered for senior golf leagues in U.S.

LEISURE WORLD GOLF LEAGUE In an attempt to assist seniors in keeping the pace of the game steady and uninterrupted, several new local rule modifications are being considered for use by various senior golf organizations. These suggestions can be implemented as part of the local course rules or incorporated into tournament play or both. Potential changes to local rules as listed below, as well


Mahalo/thanks  to Mutual  ….

Mahalo/thanks to Mutual ….

Mahalo/thanks to Mutual 11's Betty Vanderwal and Lori Chamberlin for the invitation to entertain with Hui O Hula music and dance. Before the Hawaiian dance program, neighbor Phil Mandeville gave blessings/pule: “May there always be tradewinds behind you, rainbows above you, and aloha all around you.” Just like his words, Feb. 12 was beautiful, with a soft, gentle breeze after the









Casting Call

Casting Call

Director Joe Osuna seeks eight Leisure World actors to perform in four skits. No experience is necessary, but participants must be able to use the Zoom video-conferencing software. For each skit, two actors will face each other in a Zoom meeting using a virtual green background (to be provided by the director). The actors will compliment each other on what they are wearing or politely talk about