15 July 2020



When the Power Goes Out

When the Power Goes Out

Extended power outages may impact the whole community and the economy. A power outage is when the electrical power goes out unexpectedly. A power outage may: • Disrupt communications, water and transportation. • Close retail businesses, grocery stores, gas stations, ATMs, banks and other services. • Cause food spoilage and water contamination. • Prevent use of medical




It may be easier and cheaper than you think to organize disaster supplies in convenient locations. This is not just about("having(a(kit:"(knclude(supplies(specific(to(you7(such(as( medications, eyeglasses, clothing, shoes, toiletries, and more. This is in addition to the basic supplies everyone should have 2water7(food7(first9aid7(flashlight7(radios7(etc:::3: The chart below can help




Jay and Connie Young Celebrate 67 years

Jay and Connie Young Celebrate 67 years

LW ANNIVERSARY Jay and Connie Young were married on July 25, 1953. Jay sometimes wonders how a preacher’s kid, born in Hollywood, California, could marry a farmer’s daughter from South Dakota. They met at the University of Redlands in 1951. Jay was a star basketball player and Connie was the head song girl and cheerleader. Jay says the success of their marriage can be attributed to




New membership opportunities available

New membership opportunities available

PEO The PEO Leisure World chapter is a philanthropic education organization that is open for new sisters to join the chapter. PEO was founded in 1869 in Mount Pleasant, Iowa, by seven women who wanted to see the advancement of wmen through scholarships, grants, awards, loans, and stweardship, to motivate women to achieve their highest aspirations. Those who are interested in hearing


Club booth returns with social distancing guidelines in place

Club booth returns with social distancing guidelines in place

REPUBLICAN CLUB By Brian Harmon LW contributor The grand opening of the Republican Club’s booth on July 6 was a success. Many stopped by to participate in Red, White and Blue Hat Monday, including volunteers who worked in the booth and passersby who stopped for chocolate chip cookies and lively and fun conversation. The Republican club President said, “It looks like everybody had