15 July 2020





Outside exhibits are now open

Outside exhibits are now open

AQUARIUM OF THE PACIFIC Sharks and rays have been on the planet since before the time of dinosaurs. Since then, they have continued to play an important role in maintaining ocean health. You can visit, learn about and touch sharks and rays at the Aquarium’s outdoor areas with advance reservations and with safety protocols in place, including required facial coverings (ages 2 and up), temperature


Grab n Go Meals

Grab n Go Meals

July 16-22 Clubhouse 6 Parking Lot • Thursday: Domino’s Pizza – Call ahead for special orders; wings and salads offered; 3-7 p.m., cash/cards, (562) 493-2212; Mandi’s Candies Ice Cream Truck, 4-7 p.m. • Friday: Katella Deli, NEW DAY AND TIME; extensive menu—appetizers, salads, hot entrees, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Call ahead at (562) 594-8611 or order online www.katellabakery.com,






Podcasts let you align content to your interests

Podcasts let you align content to your interests

TALK RADIO BUT BETTER The days are long and entertainment is mostly remote and digital these days. Along with TV and talk radio, it’s a perfect time to explore the world of podcasts. Simply put, a podcast is an audio program, similar to talk radio, but you subscribe to it on your smartphone and listen to it whenever you like. Podcasts give you a lot more control. They are a series of audio