29 July 2020







Republican Club

Republican Club

By Brian Harmon LW contributor Volunteers at the Republican Club booth in the parking lot by Clubhouse 6 are giving away reasonably comfortable masks to all who request them. The booth is open every Monday from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. until further notice. The masks are made available courtesy of OC Board of Supervisors President Michelle Steel, a candidate for United States Congress in this district.



What you should know about Prop. 15

What you should know about Prop. 15

DEMOCRATIC CLUB By Mary Larson LW contributor The LW Democratic Club wants to highlight the California Schools and Local Communities Funding Act that will appear on voter’s Nov. 3 ballot as Proposition 15. This proposition promises to be the most contentious of the 12 that voters will be considering. It seeks to change the property tax law enacted under Proposition 13 as it applies to commercial



Community Strong

Community Strong

Elaine Tabyanau of Mutual 17 has been working with her sister, Marina Tesla, on making care packages for front-line workers since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Every week they pack 100-200 snack bags and deliever to local employees of police departments, grocery stores, hospitals, health clinics, senior homes and sheriff stations. These care packages are delivered by Destiny Church,