12 August 2020


Learn the art of Zentangles with  LW teacher in weekly classes

Learn the art of Zentangles with LW teacher in weekly classes

ZOOM CLASS Cathie McCormick, a certified Zentangle teacher, gives Zoom classes each week in the art of drawing designs using structured patterns or Zentangles. She started out in Clubhouse 4 in January under auspices of the LW Art League but has moved onto the Zoom platform because of COVID-19 shutdowns. Her class is well attended by people who get relief from these stressful times by practicing




It’s fun, relaxing, inspiring and creative

It’s fun, relaxing, inspiring and creative

ZENDOODLES & ZENTANGLES Zendoodling is the art of drawing designs using structured patterns or Zentangles. When you draw a Zendoodle, you’re creating a work of art, but you’re also deliberately creating a mood, focus, and state of mind. Concentrating on drawing small blocks of patterns at a time lets your mind get into a calming zen state. This allows you to follow through on


2020’s first human West Nile Virus infection is reported

2020’s first human West Nile Virus infection is reported

OC HEALTH CARE AGENCY A child under the age of 18 years was diagnosed last week with West Nile Virus (WNV) infection and was hospitalized but is recovering. This is the first human WNV infection identified in Orange County this season. As of Friday, the California Department of Public Health has reported 10 cases of human West Nile Virus infection statewide. In 2019, there were seven
05 August 2020




The LW Golf Course reopened on Aug. 3 and the newly formed GRF COVID-19 Ad Hoc Committee is set to consider the reopening of Veterans Plaza, Mission Park and other LW amenities in the near future. There are declining numbers of COVID-19 hospitalizations, according to the Orange County Health Care Agency. Seal Beach has 218 COVID cases.



GOLF COURSE—New Operating Procedures 

GOLF COURSE—New Operating Procedures ….

GOLF COURSE—New Operating Procedures The GRF Board of Directors approved the reopening of the LW Golf Course at its meeting July 28 meeting. The course opened on Aug. 3 under the Emergency Operational Procedures set forth and ratified at the meeting. The reopening of Veterans Plaza for dance and exercise classes was voted down. But the reactivating of this and other amenities will be discussed


Mutual 8  Larry Slutsky, ….

Mutual 8 Larry Slutsky, ….

Mutual 8 Larry Slutsky, 136; Suzanne Fekjar, 73; Quorum only: 1. Abstain: 2. • Mutual 14 Lee Melody, 121; Barry Lukoff, 109; Quorum only: 1. Abstain: 2. The following GRF Directors were returned to their seats on the Board, unopposed: • Mutual 2 Paul Pratt and Paula Snowden • Mutual 4 Marsha Gerber • Mutual 6 Susan Hopewell • Mutual 16 Janet Isom The following
