26 August 2020






LW Korean Community Church

LW Korean Community Church

Mutual 1 resident Rev. Sung W. Lee has published her autobiography, “My God.” In three weeks the book will be available for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other retailers. It will also be available as an eBook. Lee has given 200 books to LWKCC, and members may purchase the book now for $10 (discounted from the original $15).The funds will be used for mission work. Lee served as



Sunshine Club

Sunshine Club

The next Sunshine Club Zoom meeting will be with Dr. Steven Becker, who will speak on the topic of colon cancer, Colon cancer is something most people don’t want to think about, much less talk about. Although it may be an uncomfortable topic, learning how to prevent this type of cancer may also help to save your life. Join Dr. Steven Becker with Memorial Care Greater Newport Physicians will



Democratic Club

Democratic Club

By Mary Larson LW Contributor The Democratic Club’s first membership meeting by Zoom took place on Aug. 19. During the meeting, participants were introduced for the first time to Paurvi Trivedi who is running for election to the Los Alamitos Unified School District Board. Members will remember that the school district recently replaced at-large voting with a trusteearea system. Areas 2, 4 and
