05 August 2020



GOLF COURSE—New Operating Procedures 

GOLF COURSE—New Operating Procedures ….

GOLF COURSE—New Operating Procedures The GRF Board of Directors approved the reopening of the LW Golf Course at its meeting July 28 meeting. The course opened on Aug. 3 under the Emergency Operational Procedures set forth and ratified at the meeting. The reopening of Veterans Plaza for dance and exercise classes was voted down. But the reactivating of this and other amenities will be discussed


Mutual 8  Larry Slutsky, ….

Mutual 8 Larry Slutsky, ….

Mutual 8 Larry Slutsky, 136; Suzanne Fekjar, 73; Quorum only: 1. Abstain: 2. • Mutual 14 Lee Melody, 121; Barry Lukoff, 109; Quorum only: 1. Abstain: 2. The following GRF Directors were returned to their seats on the Board, unopposed: • Mutual 2 Paul Pratt and Paula Snowden • Mutual 4 Marsha Gerber • Mutual 6 Susan Hopewell • Mutual 16 Janet Isom The following




Grocery/Meal Kit Delivery to LW

Grocery/Meal Kit Delivery to LW

Global Market Kitchen is now accepting orders for free weekly grocery and meal kit delivery to the Clubhouse 4 parking lot. Orders will be accepted until Aug. 5 for delivery to the parking lot in Clubhouse 4 on Wednesday, Aug. 12, from 2-4 p.m. Residents can start their orders by visiting the company’s easy-to-navigate website at https://squareup.com/ store/GDBROGMK/ or call (562) 661-9776.



Safety First

Safety First

Caution signs, like this one in front of the GRF Administration Building, are placed around Leisure World to remind residents to be safe. The Orange County Health Care Agency reported Tuesday that Seal Beach has 218 cases of COVID-19. To keep everyone safe, the GRF requires face coverings when residents come in contact with staff and at GRF-sponsored events such as the weekly grab-and-go meal service.

