09 September 2020



02 September 2020




It’s the special people who make Leisure World a special place. And Ricardo Garcia of Mutual 8 is one of them. On Aug. 27, he was walking around Mutual 8 and spotted $2,000—that’s right, $2,000 in cash—on the sidewalk. He looked around and saw no one, so immediately he headed home to make some calls to find the rightful owner. On the way he spotted Mutual 8 President Jeri Dolch walking


Grand Opening Sept. 10, 2018

Grand Opening Sept. 10, 2018

Members of the 2018 GRF Board (left) were all smiles Sept. 10, 2018, to celebrate the opening of Mission Park with its pickleball, basketball and bocce ball courts. The facility at Clubhouse 2 has been closed since March due to COVID-19, but it will reopen almost exactly two years after its grand opening, just ahead of the Labor Day weekend. Hopefully residents can get out and play. New guidelines





OC Registrar ballot drop box comes to LW

OC Registrar ballot drop box comes to LW

NEW VOTING OPTIONS IN LW At its regularly scheduled meeting on Aug. 25, the GRF Board of Directors approved a measure to allow the Orange County Registrar of Voters to install a permanent Ballot Drop Box for the convenience of voters within the LWSB community. The Drop Box will be installed today, Sept. 3, near the bus stop at the Amphitheater, next to the U.S. Mailbox. It is accessible


MARCH Anna Gamboa 
	Office Secretary ….

MARCH Anna Gamboa Office Secretary ….

MARCH Anna Gamboa Office Secretary Mutual Administration It is with great pleasure to announce GRF’s Employees of the Month for March, April, May, June, July and August 2020. As COIVD-19 suspended GRF Board meetings, we will publicly recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of these extraordinary individuals. The GRF appreciates the efforts of its employees to achieve its goals in providing


APRIL Alex Ramirez 
	Plumber Service ….

APRIL Alex Ramirez Plumber Service ….

APRIL Alex Ramirez Plumber Service Maintenance with a warm smile – her response time is always on target with our questions. Such a pleasure to work with.” “She is the glue that holds Mutual Administration together and goes out of her way to keep informed to help everyone. She is the go-to person for her department and is very organized which helps the entire department run smoothly.”