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Letters to the Editor


Last week’s Korean Night was a wonderful event!

Nearly 1,500 people were entertained for over two hours watching nine separate acts, including skilled dancers, instrumentalists, and singers. The Korean drum group and the traditional Korean dancers were both talented and fascinating to watch.

All the attendees were given a “multi-light” baton to wave in the air, creating a beautiful sight as the sun set on Seal Beach.

Thanks to the Korean American Association for sponsoring such a wonderful evening.

Maureen Habel Mutual 3 Editor:

In our community, Democrats, Republicans and Independents live side by side, united by a shared love for our country. We respect each other’s views, knowing that, above all, we are Americans who value our freedoms, our flag, and our diverse beliefs.

Given this spirit of unity, I’d like to suggest that our LW local newspaper consider minimizing political bias in its coverage. When a newspaper takes sides, it can unintentionally create divisions among readers. Instead, our community might benefit from content that emphasizes what we have in common.

By focusing on stories that reflect our shared values—kindness, resilience and mutual respect—our newspaper can play a vital role in bringing us together. Highlighting the positive aspects of our community can foster a sense of unity and pride, regardless of political affiliation.

I hope this suggestion resonates with the editorial team as a way to further strengthen our community. In these times, we need a local newspaper that serves as a unifying voice, refl ecting the best of who we are as neighbors and fellow citizens.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sharon Jacobs Mutual 1 Editor’s Note: The Perspectives section is a community forum for all voices. All letters are published or sent back with an explanation of why they were rejected and suggestions on how to rectify them.


Regarding Earick Ward’s letter (Aug. 8), it seems that there are those in Trump’s support group capable of knowing what Harris and Biden are secretly thinking and plotting.

We do not need to read minds to learn what Trump thinks and plots as he reveals all his malign plans and assaults in his public appearances. It is the responsibility of the vice president and a majority of the cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment. Republicans, including Speaker Johnson, proposed invoking it. One might think about reading the 25th Amendment before expostulating so fervently about its contents.

One might also want to look into how Republican legislators refused to pass responsible legislation regarding border security because Trump thought this would remove an issue for him during his campaign.

Yes, let us blame Harris for Russia invading an independent sovereign nation. Oh wait, Putin had said numerous times before the invasion that he wanted to regain the lost imperial domains of Russia. The unfreezing of Iran’s own money was specifically allocated for humanitarian needs, not military purposes.

It appears that many would rather bloviate than let loose of their many false assumptions and inaccurate beliefs. Based on frequent letters to the editor, it seems our wonderful country is filled with horror, treachery, disappointment, lack of joy and a desperate sadness about the future of, well, everything.

Jeff Colflesh Mutual 6 Editor:

After reading a letter by Jana Rogers (Aug. 1), I had to respond with a totally opposite view on the matter.

The matter is the decision of President Joe Biden not to run for re-election and the letter said, “This was a generous, far-sighted, principled decision made by a real statesman.” I had to laugh, since none of it applies here.

President Biden should have made that decision a long time ago since his mental decline, call it old age or some other form of dementia, was pretty obvious to most of us for some time. The country is in a heap of trouble, both internally and externally, and I do not exclude from blame Vice President Kamala Harris, who, in her position, is responsible here. I ask myself, who is leading our country?

Since nobody is on the horizon, who is making consequential decisions, who is taking the responsibility?

So much for the far-sighted, principled decisions of Mr. Biden.

Jovanka Radivojevic Mutual 6

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