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Community Karaoke

Community Karaoke Community Karaoke

After being part of the karaoke audience for years, mother-daughter team Lucy and Nancy Fitch sang “Sixteen Tons” for the audience. The happy crowd joined in singing the chorus.

Two popular folks celebrated their birthdays with the club: Ellen Brannigan and Gerry Tagaloa. Sherlene Wallis and Susan Kelleghan harmonized beautifully doing “Dream a Little Dream of Me.”

Dorothy Ferrington charmed the audience with “Quando Quando.” A new performer, Sandy Hyman, sang a moody “Tennessee Whiskey.” Bruce and Flo Lee were energized with “Rose Garden.” Helen Schultz held the room’s attention with “Only You.” Anna Le delivered a strong “Light My Fire.” The old-time cowboy song “Don’t Fence Me In” was fun for Rob Illingworth.

The Wednesday night karaoke party draws a happy-go-lucky crowd each week beginning at 5:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 1. Audience members and singers alike tap their feet and sway to the familiar music as friends and neighbors serenade the group. A small number of folks chose to practice a selection on Mondays in Clubhouse 6 from 1-3 p.m.

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