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Half-cent sales tax could save city services; voters to decide

Half-cent sales tax could save city services; voters to decide Half-cent sales tax could save city services; voters to decide


by Emma DiMaggio

Communications Manager

On July 22, the Seal Beach City Council unanimously voted to place a funding measure on the Nov. 5 ballot in a bid to save city services from looming budget cuts.

If approved by Seal Beach voters, the measure would establish a one-half cent sales (transaction) and use tax in the City of Seal Beach.

The sales tax would be equivalent to 50 cents per $100 spent, according to a presentation to the council.

The move came after city staff received feedback from hundreds of residents who affirmed their desire to retain current service levels from the city.

Several months of community discussion and an independently commissioned community survey by FM3 Research revealed up to 71% of residents support creating additional local funds to provide city services.

“Residents have expressed a strong interest in maintaining our quality of life in Seal Beach,” said City Manager Jill Ingram. “Funds are needed to support basic City services like maintaining fire protection, paramedic services, and police response; helping prevent property crimes and retail thefts; and keeping public areas and beaches clean and safe.”

“Most of the calls to Orange County Fire Authority are related to medical emergencies,” continued Ingram. “The City needs a reliable source of local funds for firefighters, paramedics, and lifesaving equipment.”

Also cited as a priority was the need to keep beaches and shopping areas clean and safe so that Seal Beach continues to attract consumers to support local businesses.

If the measure is adopted by residents, all funds raised are to be spent in Seal Beach for local services and cannot be taken by Sacramento, providing a source of reliable local funding that benefits Seal Beach residents.

According to the city’s website, Seal Beach faces “significant financial challenges” this year, “giving the City no choice but to make severe cuts in funding for fire and police protection, pothole repairs, park maintenance, water and beach protection and other essential City services if additional funding is not identified.”

LW residents can weigh in on the discussion and share their budget priorities by filling out an online survey available at Your-Mind-Seal-Beach.

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