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Letters to the Editor


It is estimated that Leisure World Seal Beach has approximately 9,600 current residents. Twice that number, between 15,000-20,000 illegal immigrants are being “permitted” to enter the United States every single day, under Joe Biden, Alex Mayorkas and the Democrat Party.

This does not include the hundreds/thousands of “gotaways” that evade the border processing centers.

How many of those “illegal immigrants” mean us ill will— 5%, 10%, 1%? One percent of 30 million is 300,000.

Besides the risk of terror, drugs and crime, there is also a financial cost associated with illegal immigration. It is estimated at $451 billion per year. This expense, along with countless other non-constitutionally defined expenditures has run our national debt above $34 trillion.

This week, Gov. Gavin Newsom has proposed giving all illegal immigrants who reside in California health care, in the form of Medicaid. California, it should be noted, announced a deficit for the year 2023 of $68 billion. With countless wealthy taxpayers leaving the Golden State, who do we think will be taxed to pay for this shortfall?

Even rapper 50 Cent derided Newsom’s plan, saying; “I don’t understand this; this it going to cost 2.6 billion dollars for tax payers. They don’t even give veterans health insurance.”

America is being invaded, by mostly fighting aged males. The Democrat Party are its enablers. JFK’s Democrat Party is dead. The current iteration of the Party is influenced by Marx, Marcuse, Mao, Cloward, Piven, Alinsky and Obama.

What is the end-game, if not the destruction of our Republic?

Earick Ward Mutual 7 Editor:

It is such a pleasure to drive on roads where people have their headlights on, day and night. We see it more and more every week, it seems. I mentioned it to my grandson one day, and he said, “It’s the only way to drive.” However, it’s disappointing to not see all headlights on in Leisure World. Do you know what it means when someone double-flashes their headlights when they are driving toward you? It means put your headlights on!

So I flash my headlights twice to signal to oncoming drivers. And the response? Nothing. Are California drivers really that ignorant?

You would think that people who live in an area where many neighbors are having trouble seeing or hearing would be more aware of their responsibility to think of that. If a car is coming toward you from the end of the block, a gray car on a gray day, how fast is it going? Is it going to turn? This is not a guessing game, we need to be more aware. And we need to be more safe and care more about the safety of others.

When you get ready to drive, first turn on your engine. Then, turn on your headlights. Simple.

Lynne Burt-Jenkins Mutual 7

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