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LW couple celebrated 70 years together

LW couple celebrated 70 years together LW couple celebrated 70 years together

LW residents Carl and Jonie Hatheway were married in Denver, Colorado, on March 6, 1953.

Jonie was born in Madison, Wisconsin, and Carl was born in Oakland, California. Both of their families eventually moved to Denver, Colorado. Carl went to West High School and Jonie attended East High. After high school, Carl got a job with Western Electric and Jonie worked as an outward operator for Mountain Bell. Western Electric installed telephone equipment in the same building where she worked. That was where they met and their first date was at Woolsworth’s food counter.

They were married at the Presbyterian Church in Denver and eventually had two sons and three daughters. They have lived in Colorado, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico and eventually ended up in California when Carl got a job in Santa Barbara.

Before coming to Leisure World almost 14 years ago, they lived in Phoenix, Santa Barbara, Vallejo and West Covina.

Carl has always been involved in church music programs. He created a graded choir program in Santa Barbara for teens called CARE Co., which included choreographed youth musicals. His adult choirs included a singing Christmas tree with the choir standing on a tree-shaped platform, accompanied by a full orchestra with lighting. His family was always involved in these programs.

Before moving to Leisure World, Carl had a big band in West Covina called Forty Something. The band played for anniversary parties, weddings and other events.

After moving to Leisure World, Carl started the Velvetone’s. Jonie has been involved with the Garden Club.

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