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’Tis the season to reach out to your neighbors

by Robann Arshat

Member Resources & Assistance Liaison

The holiday season is upon us, and while most people are gathering for festive activities, there are some who are suffering from isolation and depression. Everyone in LW should reach out to a neighbor and make their day.

Social connection is crucial for both mental and physical health, as relationships are proven to be vital to everyone’s well-being and survival. Loneliness is a serious health risk, and studies have concluded that those without adequate social interaction are twice as likely to die prematurely.

Isolation can lead to depression, a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest that can lead to isolation. It can become a vicious cycle that’s difficult to break.

If anyone knows of someone who is suffering from depres- sion or seems to be isolated, they are encouraged to reach out, especially if that person would have difficulty asking for connection.

There are also resources that anyone can reach out to for themselves or to refer someone in need.

The following organizations provide services free of charge.

Council on Aging Friendly

VisitorProgram: (714)479-5030 OC Warm Line: 24-hour non-crisis support and resource; anyone call call or text at any time, (714) 991-6412 or (877) 910-9276; oc-warmline.

Nami (National Alliance on Mental Health): for emotional support, (714) 544-8488

New Hope 24-Hour Crisis Line: (714) 639-4673

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