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February Security Reports

The following is the remainder of Security reports filed in February. Totals are recorded over a 28day period. Part 1 was printed in the March 11 issue of LW Weekly.


• Feb. 4, 7:25 p.m., Mutual 2 Resident stated noises coming from the attic. No issue found at the scene.

• Feb. 5, 7:51 a.m., Mutual 3 Contractors at the scene advised to begin work after 8 a.m.

•Feb. 6, 1:50 a.m., RV Lot

A generator was found running overnight.

• Feb. 8, 12:45 p.m., Mutual 1 Resident reported a screaming neighbor. No issue was found at the scene.

• Feb. 9, 11:22 p.m., Mutual 4 Resident stated next door neighbor causing loud noises. Neighbor was not at home.

• Feb. 12, 12:20 a.m., Mutual 4 Continuing complaint of loud music. No music heard at scene.

• Feb. 14, 6:15 a.m., Mutual 17 A neighbor was allegedly making noise.

• Feb. 14, 3:04 p.m., Mutual 15 A neighbor was allegedly making noise.

•Feb. 16, 11:45 p.m., Mutual 7

Resident complained of a loud radio. No issue was discovered at the scene.

•Feb. 22, 2:56 a.m., Mutual 4

Resident complained of a loud radio. No radio heard at the scene.

•Feb. 23, 4:38 a.m., Mutual 2 Resident complained of music from another residence. No music heard.

• Feb. 25, 1:40 a.m., Mutual 4 Resident complained of loud music for sixth time in 30 days. No music heard.

• Feb. 26, 5:32 p.m., Mutual 3 Resident complained of noises coming from the attic; nothing was heard.

• Feb. 26, 2:35 a.m., Mutual 11 Resident complained of a loud radio. Security asked the other resident to lower the volume and was verbally abused by foul language. The complaining party stated she would advise Mutual president.


• Feb. 13, 12:25 p.m., Mutual 8 A resident fell and was taken to hospital.

•Feb. 14, noon, Mutual 3

A resident fell out of motorized wheelchair.

• Feb. 19, 11:43 a.m., Mutual 8 A resident lost his balance while getting off his bike.

•Feb. 23, 4:40 p.m., Health Care Center (HCC)

A HCC employee tripped and fell in the HCC rear parking lot.

• Feb. 26, 9:32 a.m., Mutual 6 A resident walking to his vehicle collapsed and was taken to LAMC.

• Feb. 26, 7:04 a.m., Mutual 6 A resident walking a dog was pulled to the ground.

• Feb. 27, 12:10 p.m., St. Andrews Gate area

A man fell off his scooter while crossing street–no transport.

•Feb. 27, 9:35 a.m., CH 6

A resident fell in parking lot.

• Feb. 27, 12:50 p.m., Mutual 14 A resident became ill while sitting on his porch and was transported to LAMC. • Feb. 1, 2:30 a.m., Mutual 2

A resident tripped and fell–no transport.


• Feb. 1, 4 p.m., Mutual 9

Possible harassment: A resident stated they were being harassed by a Mutual director.

• Feb.1,1:12p.m.,Clubhouse1

A trespasser was found and removed.

• Feb. 4, 9:15 a.m., Mutual 15

Vehicle gas leak: There was a large gas leak from a delivery truck.

• Feb.6,11:22a.m.,Amphitheater

A toy gun was found and removed.

• Feb. 7, 6:29 a.m., Mutual 2

A resident called Security confused and disoriented. The person was found at home with no issues.

• Feb. 7, 1:26 p.m., Mutual 10

Family dispute: SBPD called to the unit. After no further issue, PD left the scene.

• Feb. 9, 12:46 a.m., Mutual 2

Possible harassment: A resident complained someone altered her front door and changed the answering machine message on her phone.

• Feb. 10, 2:47 p.m., Mutual 2

Lost resident was returned home safely.

• Feb. 10, 3:51 p.m., Mutual 3

Possible harassment: A resident reported being harassed by three kids. No issue was discovered.

• Feb. 10, 5:04 a.m., Mutual 3

Suspicious person: A resident reported an unidentified male in front of her unit. No one was observed.

• Feb. 12, 6:43 a.m., Mutual 3

Possible harassment related to past calls for service regarding

people outside of the resident’s unit–no one found outside.

• Feb. 14, 1:35 p.m., Mutual 4

A lost resident was confused and attempted to walk into another unit, but was taken home without further incident.

• Feb.15, 8:07a.m.,FrontGate

Two abandoned bikes were removed at Security’s request by SBPD.

• Feb. 15, 8:07 p.m., Mutual 3

Possible occupancy agreement violation: Unit was checked, and no one home.

• Feb.16,2:15p.m.,Mutual11

Possible harassment: A resident was harassing another resident over a private party car sale.

• Feb.18,10:41a.m.,Mutual14

A lost resident was found near the pool area and taken home without incident.

• Feb.19,10:40a.m.Mutual1

Resident assistance: Resident parked too close to a pole and believed she could not back up her car safely. Security directed her safely out of the parking space.

• Feb. 19, 1:15 a.m., Mutual 1

A resident has made numerous complaints that Security rings her doorbell and runs away.

• Feb.19,7:30a.m.,Mutual12

Possible Trespasser: Nonresident could not articulate his name or destination. The person left without incident.

• Feb. 21, 2:33 p.m., Mutual 1

Resident became ill while riding a bike and was transported to LAMC.

• Feb.21, 3:50p.m.,Mutual2

A resident complained that neighbors are sabotaging her phone.

• Feb.21,12:50p.m.,Mutual11

Ongoing complaints about neighbors.

• Feb.21,9:46a.m.,Mutual15

Report of suspicious person in area. Person was observed exiting community with no further issues discovered.

• Feb.23,1:15p.m.,Mutual11

Residents involved in dispute over laundry room hours.

• Feb.24,8:44a.m.,Mutual15

Pellet gun recovered and given to SBPD.

• Feb.24,10:37a.m.,Mutual5

Visitor removed vehicle that was blocking traffic.

• •Feb.26,4p.m.,GolfCourse

Resident verbally abused GRF employee by yelling and using obscene language when advised of golf course rules.

• Feb. 27, 11 a.m., Mutual 11

Security observed unsafe driving. Spoke to driver and escorted him to resident’s unit.

• Feb.27,12:32p.m.,Mutual3

Gasoline odor: No gas odor was detected, but observed motorcycle parked on the patio.

• Feb.28,5:55p.m.,GolfCourse

Resident refused to follow golf course policies; ongoing dispute

with resident regarding usage of the golf course.

Security Reports Totals:

Paramedic calls: 153 Theft: 5 Vandalism: 1 Traffic Accidents: 5 Death Investigations: 8 Lost Residents: 3 Injury: 10 Noise Complaints: 14 Fire: 2 Dog/Pet Complaints: 4 Total February Reports: 205

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