18 December 2024


Humanist Association

Humanist Association

The Leisure World Humanist Association will meet on Sunday, Jan. 5, in Clubhouse 3, Room 1, at 10:30 a.m. Dave Silva will give a Powerpoint presentation on prayer, and lead a discussion on how prayer is used in various religions and belief systems. Discussing prayer is one of the strongest social taboos in society. That fact provides a good reason humanists should discuss and analyze prayer.





Golden Age Foundation

Golden Age Foundation

Give Where You Live People can celebrate friends and family on special occasions by making a contribution in their names to the Golden Age Foundation (GAF). The gift will help those recognized share in the knowledge that they are helping provide important services to the community. Another way people can donate to the GAF by making a memorial donation. An acknowledgement will be sent to the


Find the right mobility aid in CH 6

Find the right mobility aid in CH 6

GAF'S MOBILITY AID PROGRAM The mobility aid program is one of the Golden Age Foundation’s (GAF) core programs. It provides a variety of equipment designed to promote greater freedom and independence to LW residents with mobility impairments and also to decrease the risk of falling. These services are offered completely free of charge. The GAF has five types of mobility aids in a variety


Quiliting Bees Club learns about the GAF

Quiliting Bees Club learns about the GAF

Golden Age Foundation (GAF) president Anna Derby spoke on Dec. 4 at the Quilting Bees Club about the role and services of the GAF. Over 40 members of the Quilting Bees Club attended. Many said that they learned a lot from Derby’s presentation of the GAF, which included posters and brochures. At the end of the presentation, Quilting Bees Club President Marcella Campbell presented 30 handmade



Shetlands family donates to the   Emergency Information Council

Shetlands family donates to the Emergency Information Council

The Emergency Information Council (EIC) gratefully announces the receipt of its latest donated vehicle under its vehicle donation program with www.CarEasy.org. Bob and Debbie Shetland donated their 2001 L-Saturn Series sedan. Bob and Debbie recently relocated to Mutual 15 from South Orange County, in part to make it easier to help out with transporting their nearby grandkids. Although the Saturn
