01 July 2020


	JFTB ….


FOURTH OF JULY ROUND-UP JFTB DRIVE-UP FIREWORKS DISPLAY || page 2 The cities of Seal Beach and Los Alamitos will host a Drive-Up 4th of July Fireworks Spectacular at the Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base at 9 p.m., July 4. WHERE TO WATCH NATION’S 4TH FESTS || page 2 July 4th festivities have been canceled across the nation, but there are some you can watch from home. FIREWORKS ILLEGAL


What you need to know about dogs and mushroom toxicity

What you need to know about dogs and mushroom toxicity

PAWS CLAWS AND BEAKS What is mushroom toxicity in dogs? When you think of items that are toxic to your furry friends outdoors, there is an unlimited amount of poisons to keep in mind. Veterinarian Caroline Wilde explains mushroom toxicity in dogs and answers a key question: “Certain types of mushrooms that grow in the wild can be toxic to dogs. There are many different species of mushrooms,



CARE Ambulance contract renewed

CARE Ambulance contract renewed

GRF The Golden Rain Foundation entered into a five year contract from June 1, 2020– May 31, 2025 with CARE Ambulance. CARE will continue to provide basic life suport and ambulance response and transportation services to the Leisure World Community. As part of the agreement, CARE will continue to lease the apartment area on the first floor of Clubhouse 6 and have two dedicated ambulance


Marge Novak turns 105 years old

Marge Novak turns 105 years old

LW BIRTHDAY On June 20, Marge Novak of Mutual 15 and six of her immediate neighbors celebrated Marge turning 105 years old. Her neighbors and canine accompaniment got together outside her apartment to sing a chorus of “Happy Birthday” to her while maintaining social distance except when taking a quick photo. Marge is center, and looking at her dog, who is happily barking in excitement.



17 June 2020


Haynes units and stacks are coming down

Haynes units and stacks are coming down

Starting this month and continuing through August, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power will start dismantling Units 5 and 6 of the Haynes Steam Plant adjacent to Leisure World (for a diagram of the units’ location, see page 14). The metal frame of the units will be cut into pieces, lifted and carefully lowered to the ground for removal with the use of CONSTRUCTION UPDATE torches, excavators


Let’s help protect each other on GRF Trust property

Let’s help protect each other on GRF Trust property

MASKS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED Orange County no longer requires people to wear face coverings in public, but “strongly recommends” them to help curb the spread of the coronavirus as more businesses reopen under new state guidelines. The change to the county’s mask order came after weeks of public criticism and the resignation of the county health officer, Dr. Nichole Quick, last week.
